Study In Italy
Why Italy?
Because of its geographical position, Italy has direct contacts with the main ethnic and cultural areas of old Europe (neo-Latin, Germanic, and Slav-Balkan areas) as well as, through North-African countries, with the world of Arab-Islamic civilization. Consequently, while still anchored in the European and Western civilization, Italy can be considered a natural link to those African and Asian countries which, bordering as they do on the same Mediterranean Sea, have shared historical events and cultural influences over many centuries. Italian culture is deeply rooted in the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which flourished on the peninsula for over a millennium and left their imprint everywhere in the country in so many works of art, her legal system, her traditions.
After the decay of the Roman empire, through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance up to the Modern Age, Italy developed her own civilization, an interesting combination of traditions and innovations stimulated by the influence of the Christian faith. She became the cradle of visual arts, music, poetry, literature. At the same time, Italy promoted the development of the modern philosophical thought, of science and research and started establishing her universities the first of which (“Università degli Studi di Bologna” and “Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II”) are among the most ancient in the world. Soon after the second world war (1950-1960), Italy made a tremendous effort to recover its moral energies and financial resources, rebuild its infrastructures, promote literacy as well as education at all levels, grant equal political and educational opportunities to all layers of society, foster scientific progress and technological innovation, establish fruitful relations of political, cultural and economic cooperation with all countries within and outside Europe.
In more recent years, Italy has played an important role in European higher education: it is one of the four countries that first engaged to create the so-called “European Area of Higher Education” (Sorbonne Declaration, May 1998), thus starting that type of higher education reform which, known as “Bologna Process” (Bologna Declaration, June 1999) is being implemented all over Europe.
Today Italy ranks among the 8 most industrialized countries in the world. Alongside some big companies, both state-owned and private, has developed a sound network of small and medium-sized undertakings, promoted a few scientific parks, and is investigating basic and applied research in a great variety of fields (Biology, ICT, Medicine, Physics, etc.).
Tuition fees at universities are very nominal and can vary between FF 800 and FF 25000 and FF 100000 per annum. Living Expenses (Accommodation – FF 800 to FF 2500 per month) Food FF 850 to FF 1000 at university restaurants per month, Healthcare – FF 2500 to FF 5000 per year and miscellaneous (transportation and leisure) -FF 500 per month. The above costs are indicative and can vary from person to person and between universities. Part-time work during the study, you can work for up to 20 hrs a week against a permission to do so.