France Visa
For any study programme of a period greater than three months, you must obtain a visa before your arrival in France. The French government is keen on welcoming students from India to study in France’s universities and institutions of higher learning. Foreign students regularly enrolled in such French institutions have full rights to obtain a Student Visa, which permits them to reside in France with student status.
This student visa is a single entry visa and is valid for a period of three months. By the end of this 3-months period, a carte de séjour (residence permit) is delivered by the Préfecture de police of the area where the student resides. This “card” enables students to stay for a period of one academic year. Renewal of the card is granted by the same “Préfecture de police” upon proof of continuation of studies in France.
In case you have a job offer at the end of your studies, the carte de séjour cannot be converted automatically into a work permit-cum-long term visa. Such visas must be applied for from India which normally requires a return to the country of origin. However, a law has been recently passed in Parliament asking the “Préfecture de police” to consider with benevolence applications for such long-term visas connected to employment opportunities.
Documents to be submitted for studying in France
The following documents are required (2 sets of photocopies on A4-size paper). Letter of registration/admission from a French academic institution and proof of financial resources.
Either 12 months at 415 € per month to cover living expenses during one academic year or the duration of the course. proof of accommodation in France for the period of stay.
A brief CV – three passport size photographs. Copies of degrees/diplomas and certificates (+2/BA/BSc/BE/MA/MSc) – valid passport for the entire period of stay in France (2 photocopies of the relevant pages). Air ticket or reservation printout – for short duration the student should subscribe to a comprehensive medical insurance policy (copy to be attached).
All these documents in original will be verified at the time of interview conducted by the designated officer of the Embassy of France or the Consulates in Mumbai and Pondicherry. The Visa service of the Embassy of France in New Delhi or the Consulates in Mumbai and Pondicherry will issue a student visa considering the completed application and the approval given by its services. Waiting period: 24 to 48 hours considering the completed application and the approval of the services.
No payment required for French government scholarship holders, students under EC programmes, or sponsored by foreign governments or foreign Foundations. The visa will be issued within 24 hours based merely on the “protocol d’accueil”, the document delivered by the host organism in France. If you take up for an internship, you will be considered as a student.
For Further Information on Counseling and student visa
Contact: Able Academy or write to us at